My postings to COGSCI are rejected. What kind of stupid moderation is this!?
Can you send me more details about that conference you posted on the list?
I sent my mail to this list five times. It isn't sent by the list. Why!?
You can subscribe to the COGSCI discussion list by sending a mail to, in the BODY of the mail you write
SUBSCRIBE COGSCI Yourfirstname Yourlastname
You will receive a confirmation request to which you need to reply. It is not very userfriendly but it serves it's purpose - the list gets hit less by spammers.
Once you are subscribed to this list a couple of default options are set:
MAIL You are sent individual postings as they are received
FULLHDR Full (normal) mail headers (formerly "FULLBSMTP")
NOREPRO You do not receive a copy of your own postings
NOACK No acknowledgement of successfully processed postings
and the topics you subscribe to are: All
These options can be changed by you of course, by sending a mail to, in the BODY you write
SET COGSCI [option]
where [option] can be ACK for instance, meaning you get acknowledgements about your postings to the list. For more details about these options see the Options that may be set in the LISTSERV Getting Started section.
COGSCI is actually a sort of overall name for several smaller lists. The (sub-)list(s) you wish to send your posting to can and should be specified by using topics in the Subject-field of your E-mail. You should always end the topic-specification by a colon (:), and separate topics by a comma (,). E.g.
Subject: Ann: Call for Paper
Subject: AI, Philos: The Chinese Room revisite
On the receivers end you can of course enter or leave these sublists at your discretion. If you are only interested in the Announcements and not in discussions, you can unsubscribe from all other sub-lists by sending a mail, in the BODY you write
More information about topic use on this page.
This list is not moderated. It is only monitored by a couple of volunteers, and if they find something on this list which shouldn't be there only then action is taken.
If your posting is rejected the only reason is that you are not a member of the list. If your E-mail address changes from to you are, as far as LISTSERV is concerned, not a member of this list (anymore). The only thing you can do then is resubscribe with your new E-mail address and ask me to remove your old account from the list (you can't do that yourself because LISTSERV doesn't recognize you anymore).
Yes and no. I run a discussion list, with an additional website as service to the members and to promote the list. However useful CFP's, conference announcements etc. will of course be forwarded to the list, and eventually (after about a month maximum) end up on the website in the on-line archives.
Another option is, if you are a member, to have your personal page linked on the COGSCI members page. You can request that by filling in this form. You could put details of the conference or call for papers in the description field.
Mostly no. I mainly forward these announcements to the list, they hardly ever originate here. So it's not the From: field of that mail you need to contact for information, but a name that will appear in the content of that E-mail.
Of course if there is no contact information in that mail you can contact me and I will contact the person who sent the annoucement to me.
Once again: this list isn't moderated. Either you are not a member of this list and the posting is rejected, or it actually was sent, but your subscription option says NOREPRO & NOACK, meaning you don't get to see your own postings and you don't get an acknowledgement after it is succesfully processed by LISTSERV. You can change that by sending a mail to, in the BODY you write either
or both
First of all: it's listS. If you are an engineer and not interested in the Philosophy of Cognitive Science, don't get on that sublist. You can leave that sublist by sending a mail to, in the BODY you write
Second of all: then don't lurk, but act. Bring forward what you hoped these lists were about.
But, if you insist, you can unsubscribe by sending a mail to, in the BODY you write
and that should do the trick. If it doesn't, your address is probably not recognized by LISTSERV, you can then contact me and I will remove you manually from this list.