This is an archive. This is no longer an active list/site.

Home pages of COGSCI members

This page is meant to give list members a better view on each others background. On this page are several links to either personal home pages ( +) of some COGSCI members or home pages of universities, institutes or companies they are affiliated with ( *).
If you are a member of COGSCI and you have a home page or your university/institute/company has one, please either send me a mail with your name and the proper URL(s), or fill in this form, and I will include you (r link) as soon as possible.

Personal pages

+ James Card
+ Itiel Dror
+ Ralph Ellis (Consciousness and the Brain Annotated Bibliography)
+ Marianne Erickson
+ Frank Font (Products (e.g., Java source code, links, and services)
+ John H. Frenster, MD
+ Robert Kosara
+ Larry McFeeters (literary, philosophical with cognitive research)
+ Thomas Olsson
+ Chris Palmer
+ Markus Peschl
+ Maria Elisa Marchini Sayeg (a Discussion List in Portuguese: Concepts according to Cultural Psychology. Contributions in English are also accepted)
+ Ivelin Stoianov (connectionist, computational linguistics, neural networks, cognition)
+ Michel Weenink
+ Chao Zhuang

Affiliated with

* Itiel Dror - Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory - Southampton Uni., UK
* Marianne Erickson - International University in Germany
* John H. Frenster, MD
* Robert Kosara - TU Vienna
* Sander Martens - MRC Applied Psychology Unit
* Chris Palmer - University of Minnesota
* Markus Peschl - Austrian Society for Cognitive Science
* Thomas Olsson - Staffordshire University
* Maria Elisa Marchini Sayeg - University of Sao Paulo
* Ivelin Stoianov - University of Groningen
* Michel Weenink - University of Nijmegen
* Chao Zhuang - National Research Center for Intelligent Computers Systems